Friday, April 24, 2020

Hello, Hello 2020....

     Oh my, desperate times call for desperate measures..or necessity is the mother of invention....I'm really not a zoomer but I've been "zooming".  I haven't posted for awhile content with just keeping my life kinda simple:  taking care of my husband, house,  pets, yard, a few farmers' markets, holiday fairs and a few of my old and local chile customers.  Now this Shelter in Place for Washington looks like it could go on for awhile....i.e. the corona-19 virus, especially for senior citizens.  No hands on shopping, meetings, gym sessions, and no causal visits with family and friends chile business has been deemed an essential business;  I should have known.  Not only is Rio Grande Chile Spice Mix delicious; it's healthy too.  Add a little to your chicken soup or meatloaf or make red chile enchiladas, burritos, tacos, hashbrowns or a pot of chile beans.  Wouldn't that just cheer you up a bit?

     Not to be left behind the Anacortes Farmers' Market ( has been thinking "outside the box".  Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?  If you're local check out their website and you'll find me.  You can place an order and the pick it up on the following Saturday along with whatever else you find on the site.  Another option if you can't make it to Anacortes, WA you'll find me at  My riograndechile 4-pk is just a click away.